Thursday, September 10, 2015

Blue LED Flashlight

Blue LED flashlight

What flashlights emit blue light? Generally speaking, there are two types of flashlights can product blue light, the common blue flashlight and the UV flashlight. The common blue flashlight is easy to find, it may indeed a white flashlight that use a blue mirror so that the light turns blue when it is emitted.

The UV flashlight uses special UV LED, which can product blue light itself, and do not need to be assisted with any other tool when it emit blue light.

Blue LED flashlight here, mainly refers to UV flashlight that have many speical characteristics, see

a. Check the leaks for air conditioner and automobile circulatory system
b. Mark and blood inspection, examination of crime scene.
c. Treasure and minerals searching, Antique appraisal
d. Ink curing and glue curing.
f. Counterfeit and banknotes distinguishing
g. Gas leaks inspection
h. Fluorescent reflection of special materials

More flashlights

1. Powerful flashlight: many flashlights from Tank007 is powerful, for example, 1W, 3W, or even 5W .

2. Waterproof flashlight: most tank007 flashlights are waterproof. It is easy to make flashlights waterproof now., with the help of O-ring, it is very easy to make the flashlight waterproof.

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